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Купить книгу Los Pétalos De La Muerte, автора Elizabeth Spann  Craig
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Los Pétalos De La Muerte
Learn Spanish with Myrtle: In this easy-reader mystery, Spanish students will be able to increase their vocabulary while solving mysteries with amateur detective Myrtle Clover. Each chapter is designed to immerse readers into the Spanish language while enjoying a best-selling murder mystery. This workbook contains 100 useful words and expressions in Universal Spanish.
Купить книгу Mănâncă Prin Joc. Caiet De Educaţie Alimentară Pentru Copii Între 6-10 Ani., автора Graziano  Roberta
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Mănâncă Prin Joc. Caiet De Educaţie Alimentară Pentru Copii Între 6-10 Ani.
Este cunoscut faptul că Italia se numără printre țările europene cu cea mai mare rată de copii supraponderali. Multe campanii au fost lansate pentru a rezolva această problemă și se cheltuie mult pentru informarea și formarea părinţilor, profesorilor şi personalului medical care se ocupă de copii. Dar, părerea autoarei este că a profita de capacitatea de învăţare a copiilor este cel mai bun mod pentru a face o informare şi o educaţie sănătoasă, deoarece obiceiurile învăţate de mici se vor păstra şi în viaţa de adult. Astfel, educarea copiilor de astăzi înseamnă adulţi mai informaţi mâine. Scopul acestei cărți este acela de a învăţa copiii despre o alimentaţie corectă și un stil de viață sănătos, prin intermediul fişelor, jocurilor şi poeziilor. De asemenea, aceştia sunt încurajaţi să-şi analizeze propria alimentaţie, făcând o comparație între regulile alimentare sugerate în carte şi mâncarea lor de zi cu zi. Toate acestea ar trebui să se desfăşoare împreună cu părinții, profesorii
Купить книгу Conseils Alimentaires. Comment Motiver Les Personnes À Modifier Leurs Habitudes Alimentaires, автора Graziano  Roberta
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Conseils Alimentaires. Comment Motiver Les Personnes À Modifier Leurs Habitudes Alimentaires
D’après l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé « l’activité de conseil est un processus qui, à travers le dialogue et l’interaction, aide les individus à résoudre et à gérer des problèmes puis à prendre des décisions; ce processus met en présence un « client » et un « conseiller ». Le premier est un sujet qui ressent le besoin d’être aidé, le second est un professionnel, impartial, sans lien avec le premier, formé à l’écoute, à l’accompagnement et au comportement ».
Купить книгу Food Counselling. How To Motivate People To Change Eating Habits, автора Graziano  Roberta
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Food Counselling. How To Motivate People To Change Eating Habits
According to the World Health Organization ”counselling is a process that, through dialogue and interaction, helps people to solve their problems and make decisions.
Купить книгу Введение в психиатрию и психоанализ для непосвященных. Главная книга по транзактному анализу, автора Эрика Берна
Введение в психиатрию и психоанализ для непосвященных. Главная книга по транзактному анализу
С этой книги стоит начать знакомство с психиатрией и психологией. Во «Введении» Эрик Берн простым и предельно ясным языком рассказывает: как устроена человеческая психика, что влияет на ее формирование, какие этапы развития проходит младенец и как они впоследствии отражаются на его жизни, что есть сны и неврозы, каковы скрытые причины алкоголизма, склонности к беспорядочным связям, затяжным депрессиям – и многое другое. Произведение Берна до сих пор по праву считается одним из самых полных и увлекательных учебников по психиатрии и психоанализу. Это книга, к которой хочется возвращаться снова и снова, расширяя свою картину мира и погружаясь в увлекательный мир человеческой психики.
Купить книгу Public Speaking Skills For Dummies, автора
Public Speaking Skills For Dummies
Project self-assurance when speaking—even if you don't feel confident! When you speak in public, your reputation is at stake. Whether you're speaking at a conference, pitching for new business, or presenting to your Executive Board, the ability to connect with, influence, and inspire your audience is a critically important skill. Public Speaking Skills For Dummies introduces you to simple, practical, and real-world techniques and insights that will transform your ability to achieve impact through the spoken word. In this book, champion of public speaking Alyson Connolly takes you step by step through the process of conceiving, crafting, and delivering a high-impact presentation. You’ll discover how to overcome your nerves, engage your audience, and convey gravitas—all while getting your message across clearly and concisely. • Bring ideas to life through business storytelling • Use space and achieve an even greater sense of poise • Get your message across with greater clarity, concision, and impact • Deal more effectively with awkward questions Get ready to win over hearts and minds —and deliver the talk of your life!
Купить книгу The Listening Bilingual: Speech Perception, Comprehension, and Bilingualism, автора Francois  Grosjean
The Listening Bilingual: Speech Perception, Comprehension, and Bilingualism
Купить книгу Corporate Communication. An International and Management Perspective, автора Otto  Lerbinger
Corporate Communication. An International and Management Perspective
Provides an international and management perspective on the field of corporate communication Corporate communication plays an important role in higher-level management to help build and preserve a company’s reputation. This intangible yet valuable asset determines the net worth of a company and affects the success of its operations. Corporate Communication: An International and Management Perspective introduces readers to the broad environment of the modern extended organization and provides an understanding of the globalization process. It describes how economic, political, and cultural features of a country affect company decisions and communication and discusses various communication disciplines and practices that are employed in programs and campaigns. This book addresses the key management issues of sustainability and technology and innovation. It also emphasizes the importance of why corporate communication must be seen as a management function and not restricted to a communication process. Presented in five parts, Corporate Communication offers comprehensive chapters covering: The Domain of Corporate Communication; Strategic Application of Communication Practices; International Perspective; Key Management Issues of Sustainability and Technology; and Corporate Communication Contribution to Management. The foundation of Corporate Communication is public relations but also included is the entire range of communication practices and the contribution to management decision making. Conceptualizes corporate communication as a strategic management function which helps management recognize, adjust to, and construct policy related to global issues Emphasizes the critical role that corporate communication plays in making corporate decisions and behaviors more socially responsible and sustainable Demonstrates how corporate communication draws on public affairs, marketing and social media in its strategic planning Emphasizes the critical importance of relationships to corporations and their effect on reputation Provides numerous examples of cases of global problems and how corporations have responded to them Corporate Communication is intended for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in schools of communication and schools of business and management who want to extend their competence to the global arena and to combine the various communication practices to design strategic programs and campaigns. Course titles include corporate communication, international public relations, corporate public affairs, global marketing communication, global corporate communication, and social media.
Купить книгу The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition, автора
The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition
A comprehensive, current review of the research and approaches to advanced proficiency in second language acquisition The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition offers an overview of the most recent and scientific-based research concerning higher proficiency in second language acquisition (SLA). With contributions from an international team of experts in the field, the Handbook presents several theoretical approaches to SLA and offers an examination of advanced proficiency from the viewpoint of various contexts and dimensions of second language performance. The authors also review linguistic phenomena among advanced learners through the lens of phonology and grammar development. Comprehensive in scope, this book provides an overview of advanced proficiency grounded in socially-relevant domains of second language acquisition including discourse, reading, genre-based writing, and pragmatic competence. The authoritative volume brings together the theoretical accounts of advanced language use combined with solid empirical research. Includes contributions from an international collection of noted scholars in the field of second language acquisition Offers a variety of theoretical approaches to SLA Contains information on the most recent empirical research that contributes to an understanding of SLA Describes performance phenomena according to multiple approaches to SLA Written for scholars, students and linguists, The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition is a comprehensive text that offers the most recent developments in the study of advanced proficiency in the acquisition of a second language.
Купить книгу Глаза «Джоконды». Секреты «Моны Лизы», автора Альберто Анджелы
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Глаза «Джоконды». Секреты «Моны Лизы»
Глаза легендарной «Джоконды», ее непостижимая улыбка ежегодно привлекают в парижский Лувр миллионы людей со всего света. Не менее непостижима и титаническая личность ее создателя, Леонардо да Винчи, – художника, ученого, архитектора, стратега, изобретателя, чей универсальный гений, поразительный даже для эпохи Возрождения, не перестает изумлять человечество и многие века спустя. Альберто Анджела, с блеском продемонстрировав присущий ему редкий талант на страницах своих книг оживлять давно ушедшие в прошлое эпохи, приглашает читателя отправиться в мир Леонардо и присоединиться к увлекательному расследованию истории создания его самого знаменитого шедевра. Расследованию, которое, возможно, откроет ускользавшие прежде подробности и приведет к неожиданным предположениям и версиям.
Купить книгу Исследования семьи: основные понятия, автора Джейн Маккарти
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Исследования семьи: основные понятия
Учебное пособие, написанное в необычном формате, по сути, представляет собой энциклопедию по фамилистике. Авторы – английские социологи Джейн Риббенс Маккарти и Розалинд Эдвардс – предлагают понятийный аппарат с удобной внутренней системой ссылок, показывают, насколько меняются значения привычных терминов в зависимости от разных глобальных, социальных и исторических контекстов, и знакомят читателя с основными теоретическими концепциями, данными эмпирических исследований и современной научной литературой по семейной проблематике. В книге можно найти отсылки не только к ключевым дисциплинам фамилистики – социологии, психологии, демографии, праву и экономике, – но и к социальной политике, социальной географии, политологии, религиоведению.
Купить книгу Collins Good Grammar, автора Graham  King
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Collins Good Grammar